
The power of focus

by: aloon 6.07.2009

這篇 The power of focus , 是 昨天在網路上發佈的文章;
剛出爐的新鮮並非重點, 令我起讚嘆不已的巧合, 才是有趣. 其中,
論其巧合之處是今年初開始, 陸續受到賽斯資料一本本書的思維啟迪後,
就自然而然地開始對周遭發生的事物做觀察, 在這一路過程中訝然發現,
的確許多事情的發生, 就是心之所欲的呈現, 著實不可思議; 當然,
這與怪力亂神沾不上邊, 稍究其因, 是因為過去很少省察自己的每個當下,

另一方面, 由於思緒常常有片斷式的悟念閃過, 而提醒了我心思妄念與受到新鮮資訊
誘惑的可怕,  於是在隨後開始整理自己的心思與日常時間的分配時, 一個網路工具
" Seavus DropMind " 就出現在眼前, 來協助我整理自己的思路! 幸運地, 在這
一小段時間的實驗後, 心得竟也逐漸浮現, 雖然仍有些模糊, 但是全然專注
與隨性妄念的拿捏, 儼然已是此刻的功課, 於是又很巧的, 現在這篇推薦的文章,
就在昨晚出現在我的電腦螢幕前面! 而它正是清晰化自己模糊心得的一篇好訊息,
也讓我再度體驗到, 觀察眼前實相就是心念的呈現的樂趣!

捫心自省, 自己天性的多元發展人格, 雖因受到 "熱情人生的冰淇淋哲學"
的解構,而能優遊於多重興趣之間, 但是, 身處在這洪水般的資訊時代,
難免會受到更多新鮮訊息的誘惑而分心, 促使原本活躍的妄念心思, 很容易地就會在
不留意之間,如脫韁野馬般地往受惑方向奔馳, 不聽使喚! 幸好, 自"醒"的
功力, 隨著歲月累積有所進步, 加上自己過往經驗和這篇 The power of focus 的作者
一樣, 都是來自同時間處理過多的事業和工作後的體悟, 才懂得跨出放下的第一步!

眼見著許多人們, 被身邊許多外來事物和心思妄念纏身而不自知, 特別是
懷有理想抱負的年青人, 若沒提早發現"專注力" 與 "多元發展"的架構和得失,
就會不覺地陷入工作重心本末倒置的迷失, 甚或因分心而失去時間配置的掌握,
如此一來,現實生活的困境, 不論是物質上或精神上的, 就會因為煩亂的心思,一一
接踵而至, 所以, 不可掉以輕心!


The Power of Focus

Focus: a central point, of attraction, attention, or activity.

Does your mind ever race with all you have to do, not only today but this week, month, or year? How do you feel when the obligations and opportunities far outweigh your capacity to respond? Tired, weary, and drained? If you frantically pursue everything and feel like you are completing little or nothing, you are not alone.

It seems a high percentage of individuals lack one major characteristic -- focus. In today’s society, with unlimited opportunities and continuous communications from multiple sources, it is easy for life to become a constant distraction.

Focus is the single most beneficial strategy and habit I have learned, implemented, and wholly embraced in the past couple of years. Several years ago, I was trying to manage no less than seven different business ventures at the same time. Crazy, I know, but I falsely believed that if I did not have all those choices, I would get bored.

Of course, the outcome was lack of focus and limited success. This is not to say that individuals cannot have multiple interests. But if you are required to run and lead them all, that’s a recipe for disaster.

I have now sold or divested my interests in every other business venture except for real estate investing. Now that I am completely on purpose, I have discovered more than enough variety and flexibility within my current business to meet all my needs and more.

Staying focused within one venture is important. Think about the sports world. How many multi-sport superstars come to mind? Probably not many! Michael Jordon tried to switch to baseball -- no luck. Bo Jackson, a gifted athlete, tried to play both football and baseball and ended up with hip replacements before the age of 30.

Successful playing-coaches are just as rare. Can you focus on playing and coaching at the same time?

Life can become a series of unfocused distractions, if you let it. All of us are constantly being lured by other possibilities. The way you respond to this noise will determine your level of success (focus).

So how do you achieve focus?

1. Know where you are going.
If you don’t, you can easily be moved off-course. Once I acknowledged I could have all the variety I needed within CRG, I began the process of focus. One at a time, over a period of a year, I removed all other distractions.

2. Have a plan.
Know where you are going and how you plan to get there.

3. Keep your own counsel.
Everyone will have an opinion about what and how you should live your life to be successful. But there is really only one person who knows what’s best and that’s you.

4. Stay calm.
When training to become a licensed scuba diver, I learned that the easiest way to die underwater is to panic. The result of panic is usually poor decisions. Keep your wits about you; think through each of your options.

5. Be clear about your core values.
All your decisions should be ranked against your core values. Be clear about them and hold them dear, as if your life depended on it.

6. Learn to say no -- and feel good about it.
Too many times, guilt and the demands of others get us off-focus. Stay true to your course.

7. Play to your strengths; build a team around your weaknesses.
Especially in small business, many of us try to do it all. How can you be focused if you are doing everything? And how many of us are fully competent and gifted at everything?

8. Create a process where you focus only on the current project and forget the rest.
A major hindrance to focus is trying to keep all your activities listed in your head. Set up a tracking system that works for you. It must be written down somewhere, other than that virtual place called your brain.

9. Let go of the past and what was.
I had to let go of the assumption that I needed seven businesses to feel fulfilled. I now understand how wrong I was in that premise. Quite honestly, once the last business was sold, I never felt more energized. A weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

10. Get going.
Focus requires action. There is usually an inverse proportion between how much something is on your mind and how much your mind is getting done.

Almost all of the most famous successful people of the world had focus: Shakespeare, Martin Luther King, Michael Dell, Mother Teresa, Wayne Gretsky, Stephen King, Walt Disney, Tiger Woods, and so on. They are not known for hundreds of different accomplishments but for one focus.

This Week's Action Steps

To help you harness the Power of Focus:

1. Know where you are going.
2. Have a plan to get you there.
3. Stay calm. Nothing good comes out of being frantic.
4. Know your core values and start making decisions based on your values.
5. Start letting go of all activities that are not part of your plan or direction.
6. Say No to new opportunities and ventures that don’t align with your focus.
7. Play to your strengths and build a team to fill your weaknesses.
8. Match your work to the nature of your personal style.
9. Set up a system in writing to track your projects; you can’t stay focused without it. Don’t try to operate out of your head.
10. Notice the vigor that focus brings into your life.
11. And, of course, have fun and encourage others to do the same -- which is focus.

Until next time, keep "Living On Purpose",

Ken Keis

3 opns

  1. 匿名 Says:
  2. 專注力的訓練是每個現代人必修的功課,多謝版主與大家分享他自身的生活體驗,一片曉諭世人的用心躍然紙上。

  3. aloon Says:
  4. 給 匿名:
    是呀, 可分心的誘惑實在太多, 且惑人於不知不覺呢!

  5. aloon Says:
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    I'm truely impressed by tons of amazing blogs in your association members.
    And thanks for dropping by.



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